The benefits of fog lining the exterior of your home

The benefits of fog lining the exterior of your home

The benefits of fog lining the exterior of your home

Most people don’t even know that you can mist a house coat that has a stucco exterior. The advantages of the fog layer compared to painting, can be astronomical in certain situations. After you paint the plastering, you have sealed this cement-based product and you may face some big problems in the future. Cement needs to breathe and once you paint, it can hold large amounts of moisture, inside the cement itself.

Let me explain what the fog layer really is. This is a cement-based material that mixes with water and is applied with a mechanical sprayer. This is clearly not difficult to mix and even easier to apply. Why aren’t more people using this product? I really didn’t know and didn’t really know about the product, even though I had been involved in the renovation industry, until 15 years ago.

Get this, my grandparents have been fogging their homes for years and I never even knew about that product. Now by saying that, where did you get the fog coat material? They certainly don’t exist at the paint shop. Well, you just type the word fog coat into any search engine and you might find a local fog coat distributor.

There are two rental yards around my neighborhood that sell this product. Again, this product is easier to apply than paint and may be more environmentally friendly. No need to clean the paint brush or roller tray, constantly. Think about the large amounts of water used and wasted, cleaning these products.

There is no need to use large commercial sprayers, which continually spray paint into the atmosphere. Benefit number one, to use mist coatings, compared to painting, is easier to apply and can be touched easily.

I recommend using the fog coat material, especially if you have a cement house. I really can’t guarantee, which product will last longer than others, but I will imagine the location of your home, will play an important role where the product will actually live longer than others. In other words if you live in a very dry or humid climate, this can affect one product in a different way.

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