Healthy and Refreshing Living Room Arrangement

The arrangement of the living room must consider the health impacts for the occupants. This is not a secret in interior design but is a kind of general-purpose, the main goal of interior design itself. How to maximize the function, aesthetics, and psychological aspects of space.

A healthy and refreshing living room arrangement can be very complicated and difficult to achieve, especially if we don’t know exactly what things to do.

Creating a living room so that it can have a positive impact on its residents without reducing function and aesthetics is difficult to work. Creating and designing a room that is truly a liveable, safe, comfortable, and relaxing place requires careful planning.

However, quote prevention, in Decorating Tips For A Stress-Free Home, Transform your house into a relaxing home, creating a stress-free room, is very easy to do. The room decoration ideas presented are very simple and not difficult … READ MORE

These 4 Modern Design Styles Change Your Bedroom to Look More Aesthetic

The bedroom is a very important part of the home. It can be designed as a place to rest, as well as a place to work. It depends on the wishes and needs of each owner.

In designing your bedroom, there are many choices of design styles that can be applied. Starting from minimalist, classic, modern, contemporary, industrial, or eclectic styles which are a mixture of various design styles.

Decorating a bedroom is not too complicated, but also not easy. In other words, designing a bedroom is tricky. However, if there is an important thing in bedroom design, don’t make the bedroom look ordinary. The bedroom must be designed to reflect the character and personality of the owner.

There are many ways to do this!

Here are 4 design style recommendations that can make the bedroom atmosphere more comfortable, functional, and aesthetic.

Modern Minimalist

Modern Minimalist

Modern minimalist style is synonymous with … READ MORE

Tips for Using the Correct Air Conditioner to Save Electricity & More Durability

This article is important, how do you make the use of AC in your home not wasteful and know the correct use of AC so that your body stays healthy. If you already know the trick, you will be able to reduce your home electricity bill and save money in your pocket every month, it’s not bad enough for saving and investing.

1. Remote AC temperature settling at 24 degrees Celsius

The habit of people is +62 pairs of 16 degrees AC, maximum fan, powerful mode too. Turning the electricity bill out, just grumbling to myself the AC is wasteful. Even though it is wasteful or not the use of electricity in an AC depends on the way of setting the remote daily.

We should not force the remote AC temperature to be set at 16 degrees, if you are in the habit of doing this, the AC electricity bill … READ MORE