johnson Funeral Residence Obituaries home product center
home product centre thailand The war left females to do the work of the men gone to war. A lot of regiments left house with a silk flag made by local women. Boxes and letters from house eased the dullness of a soldier’s life. The Ladies Union Help Society and the Western Sanitary Commission supplied the troops with vital supplies of clothing and food. Several Illinois ladies nursed wounded and ill soldiers. Mother Bickerdyke of Galesburg, Aunt Lizzie of Peoria and Louisa Maertz of Quincy and a lot of others served in the field hospitals. The only lady to earn a Congressional Medal of Honor was Dr. Mary E. Walker, who tended soldiers and served 4 months in a southern prison. Some traveled to visit wounded husbands. Mrs. Carter Van Vleck of Macomb reached Atlanta in time to see Colonel Van Vleck of the 78th Illinois Infantry for the final … READ MORE