Repair Basic Flat Roof Leaks in Simple Requirements

The simple fact is that at some point in everyone’s life, we all have to face roof leaks, and the resulting roof repair work. There is no way out, even if someone does not have to do the actual work themselves. After all, most roofing contractors do repairs.
What About Roof Repair for Do it Yourselfer?
But what if your roof leaks, and you don’t have the money to hire a professional, or just don’t want to pay high fees? In this case, if you don’t know someone who wants to climb on your roof for you, you have to do the work yourself.
The First Step is Finding Leaks
So the first step, is to find the leak, and you might be surprised by how far the water can flow once it finds its way through a gap in the roof. You see, felt or tar paper is three … READ MORE